“Get Well Soon!” 43 Kind Words of Encouragement for Someone Feeling Sick, Unwell, Recuperating

By Billie •  Updated: 04/02/21 •  8 min read

Recovery from an illness or suffering through the pains of rehabilitation are made easier by the unwavering support and love of others.

Maybe a friend needed to take the day off due to not feeling well, or maybe a co-worker needed to undergo a risky procedure to save their life; whatever the case, sending them a few kind words of support may hasten their recovery.

At the least, they will feel appreciated and cared about — and what’s better than that?

Short and Sweet Notes for Wishing Someone to Get Well Soon

Words to Inspire Them to a Speedy and Full Recovery (Get Well Quotes)

Don’t know what to say to your friend or loved one recovering their health? Sometimes sharing these words of resilience is all you need to do, to uplift the spirit of another.

Lighthearted Get Well Soon Messages

Wishing Someone a Speedy Recovery After an Illness or Health Emergency

What To Say If Someone Has a Serious Diagnosis (Cancer, Terminal Illness)

“I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish He didn’t trust me so much.” Mother Teresa

Avoid making comments that promise a speedy recovery despite the circumstances; though a full recovery may be possible, saying “I know you’ll be fine” or “you’ll be 100% before you know it” can feel discouraging in serious situations. Instead, show the person your support and let them know you are there for whatever they may need.

What to Write in a Get Well Message

When someone isn’t feeling well, they might want to be left alone. Or they might want to know you love them. With a Get Well card, you can achieve both goals at once!

The Don’t-Do List

  1. Don’t Give Advice

It is natural to want to reassure someone and give unsolicited advice in your “get well” messages. But despite your well-meaning intentions, offering advice as though you know best is not the way to go; every person and and every circumstance is unique. And when emotions run high, misunderstandings and hurt feelings run rampant.

Drawing a parallel with your own illness or another person’s outcome or treatment can be disheartening or set unrealistic expectations. Don’t offer advice if you’re not asked.

2. Don’t Be a Debbie-Downer.

Again, it’s tempting to make comparisons with other situations you know about — heck, it is my first thought. But try to avoid sharing terrible stories about someone who died in a similar situation or who experienced long-lasting effects from whatever your friend or loved one is experiencing. Don’t pile on more burdens if someone is struggling enough already.

3. Don’t Be Too Positive

On the other side of the negativity coin is positivity — and too much of that can also rub someone the wrong way. Think carefully about using jokes when writing your Get Well message; sometimes a joke or humour can be interpreted as having a flippant, uncaring attitude. Use your judgment here. There’s a time and a place for jokes, and you’re wise to consider both before you try to get someone to smile on what could be the worst day of their life.

The Do-Do List

  1. Be There For the Venting.

Sometimes people aren’t feeling well and they need to talk things out and feel heard. Sometimes, if someone is chronically ill or facing a terminal diagnosis, they may hesitate to share their fears and frustrations lest they become a burden on another.

You can alleviate the suffering of another by offering your ear and heart. Sit with them and let whatever comes up, be okay. Let them know they are okay, and that their feelings are valid. You don’t need to take on every emotion or feel overwhelmed by their stuff, just sit with them and witness. This is easy to say but angelic to practice.

2. Be There.

On a related note, words are great for reassurance and as gestures of kindness, but nothing says “I love and care about you” more than taking concrete actions.

If you’re on the receiving end of kindness and wish to thank your friends for their prayers, do so as soon as you are feeling up to it; you might find that writing and expressing gratitude will help you to heal your heart and mind faster than you would otherwise.


I like to climb mountains, read Nietzsche, and explore the West Coast. I have a BA from York University (2003) in Toronto, Canada, and yet on this site I sometimes spell like an American (know your audience). Thank you. Thank you very much.

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