Dealing with Flaky People: How to Keep Your Cool and Your Humor

By Billie •  Updated: 09/12/24 •  4 min read

Ever had a friend who’s as reliable as a weather forecast? You know, the one who promises to show up and then mysteriously disappears, leaving you with just a crumpled pizza box and a Netflix queue?

Well, fear not! Here’s how to navigate the world of the unreliable with a smile and a few clever tricks.

1. Flip the Script with a Smile

When your flaky friend pulls the ol’ “I forgot” stunt, don’t let it ruin your vibe. Instead, turn it into a win for yourself with a sprinkle of humor.

This keeps things light and shows you’re not sweating it, while also nudging them that their timing needs work.

2. Share Your Feelings (Without the Drama)

Feeling a bit let down by their unpredictability? Time to let them know how their flaky behavior affects you, but keep it breezy.

This way, you’re sharing how their actions impact you without turning it into a soap opera.

3. Be a Broken Record (But a Cool One)

When cancellations become a trend, it’s time for a gentle reminder. Just like a favorite tune, repeat your desire to hang out with a friendly tone.

Keep the rhythm going even if they bail again. It shows you’re keen on spending time together but also serious about your plans.

4. Set Fun Boundaries with Flair

When their flaky tendencies start affecting your plans, it’s time to set some playful boundaries.

This lets them know you’re not up for being left in limbo, but it also gives them a chance to be upfront about their availability.

5. Adjust Your Radar and Expectations

Sometimes, their unreliability has less to do with you and more with their own chaos. Reevaluate their behavior and adjust your expectations accordingly.

Understanding their broader context might help you avoid being too frustrated and let you enjoy the friendship on your terms.

Have a Blast, Even When They Don’t Show

The aim is to protect your peace while keeping things fun. If someone’s unpredictability starts affecting your mood, don’t shy away from sharing your needs—but do it with a dash of humor. After all, life’s too short to let a missed plan turn into a full-blown drama!

Love ‘Em or Leave ‘Em

When dealing with the flakiness of others, you’ve got the power to steer the ship. With humor, clear communication, and friendly boundaries, you can turn potential frustration into opportunities for fun and understanding. And if they still bail? Well, you’ve got a free evening to enjoy all by yourself!

Ready to give these tips a whirl the next time someone pulls a no-show? With these strategies, you’ll stay the calm and charming friend no matter what!


I like to climb mountains, read Nietzsche, and explore the West Coast. I have a BA from York University (2003) in Toronto, Canada, and yet on this site I sometimes spell like an American (know your audience). Thank you. Thank you very much.

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