How to Write Bloody Fun Halloween Texts for Your Friends (While Keeping Your Friendships Alive Like a Zombie)

By Billie •  Updated: 09/20/24 •  7 min read

Alright, so you want to send some hilarious Halloween messages that will crush it in your group chat? Whether you’re texting, snapping, or whatever it is kids are using these days, sending the perfect Halloween message takes skill. You want something that’s spooky, funny, and just the right amount of weird—but without being too weird.

Fun and Barely (Candy-) Corny Halloween Texts

Let’s get into how you can send the best Halloween texts to your friends (and keep the friendship game strong like Frankenstein’s monster).

1. The “Spook Your Friends” Texts (Because Who Doesn’t Love a Good Scare?)

Let’s be honest—Halloween is the perfect time to get your friends with some harmless spookiness. Here are a few ideas that’ll have them double-checking their locks at night:

Classic Creepy Text

“I think there’s someone standing outside your window… oh wait, it’s just a vampire looking for directions.”

Ghostly Message

“Boo! Just haunting your phone to remind you I’m always here… watching… 👻”

The Jump-Scare Prank

“OMG, check this out, it’s crazy! 👀” (Send a normal picture, but follow it up 10 minutes later with “Wait, did you see that ghost in the corner?!” Watch them freak out. You’re welcome.)

Snapchat Spook

Snap them a photo with a filter that makes you look like a zombie and caption it: “Just woke up. How do I look?”

Meme It Up

Send a GIF of a spooky skeleton dance party and caption it: “This is me after eating all my Halloween candy in one night. RIP my stomach.”

2. The “Keeping It Funny, Not Freaky” Texts (For When You Want to Be Spooky, But Not Lose Friends)

No one wants to get ghosted—except on Halloween. Here are some goofy texts to keep the mood light and the friendship vibes strong.

Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice

“Just wanted to let you know you’re the pumpkin spice to my Halloween. 🎃 Stay spicy, friend.”

Candy Corn Compliments

“You’re sweeter than a bucket full of Halloween candy, even the candy corn. And that’s saying a lot, because candy corn is basically pure sugar.”

Witchy Wisdom

“If I were a witch, I’d definitely cast a spell to make sure we’re friends for life. But since I’m not, I’ll just settle for texting you weird stuff like this.”

Batty for You

“You must be a vampire, because you’ve got me fangirling over how awesome you are. Let’s suck the fun out of this Halloween season together! 🧛‍♀️”

Text Like a Vampire

Start every message with “I vant to suck your blood… jk, I just want to hang out later.”

3. Snappy Snaps: Quick Halloween Snaps That Are Pure Fire

Sending a snap? Make it short, sharp, and spooky. Here are a few Snapchat-worthy messages that’ll give your friends a chuckle—and not a chill down their spine.

Filter Frenzy

Snap yourself using the creepiest filter possible and caption it: “Accurate pic of me before I’ve had my coffee this morning.”

Costume Hype

“If your costume doesn’t include at least 50% glitter, is it even a Halloween costume?”

Vampire Mode

Send a close-up of you looking extra pale with the caption: “When you’re running low on blood (aka coffee).”

Ghost Snap

Snap them an empty room and say, “Oh no! Looks like I just got ghosted… AGAIN.”

4. How to Keep Halloween Fun Without Being Creepy (The Low-Key Advice You Didn’t Know You Needed)

Look, Halloween is the perfect time to have fun, but it’s also important not to go too hard on the pranks and spooky messages. Keep things funny and light, because no one likes a friend who crosses the line into freaky territory. Here’s how to keep your Halloween text game strong without making your friends hit “block”:

Know Your Audience

Not everyone’s into jump scares or creepy stuff. If you know one of your friends hates scary movies, maybe skip the “there’s something under your bed” texts. Keep it fun and friendly!

Don’t Over-Prank

There’s a fine line between funny and annoying. Send a couple of spooky jokes, but don’t spam your friends with a hundred creepy texts in a row. We want them to laugh—not hide from their phones!

Keep It Positive

Even if you’re going for spooky, mix in some compliments and fun vibes. Halloween is about having a good time, not giving your friends nightmares (unless they’re into that). Balance out your scary texts with messages like “You’re spook-tacular, just sayin’.”

Check in on Your Friends

Halloween is all about good times, but it’s also a great reminder to check in with your squad. Shoot them a message to let them know you’re thinking of them, even if it’s just a “Hey, don’t get eaten by zombies this Halloween—because I need you around!”

5. The “Keeping It Real” Halloween Texts (How to Use Spooky Season to Strengthen Friendships)

Halloween is the perfect excuse to reach out to friends you haven’t talked to in a while. Maybe you’ve been busy with school, life, or getting lost in the black hole that is TikTok. Here’s how to use the season to keep your friendships alive (unlike that pumpkin on your porch that’s slowly turning into a gooey mess):

Reconnecting with Old Friends

“Hey! It’s been a while, but I couldn’t let Halloween pass without sending you a spooky greeting. Hope your Halloween is full of tricks and treats! Miss you—let’s catch up soon!”

Strengthening Current Friendships

“Halloween’s a reminder that life’s too short to not have fun with friends like you. Let’s make some spooky memories this season!”

Supporting a Friend Who’s Going Through Stuff

“I know things have been tough lately, but I just wanted to remind you that you’re stronger than a whole army of zombies. I’m here if you need me, even if it’s just for some Halloween memes.”

6. Funny Halloween Texts for Your Crush (Because Flirting Should Always Be a Little Spooky)

Let’s be honest—if you’ve got a Halloween party on the calendar, you’re probably texting your crush to see what they’re dressing up as. Here are some cheeky, flirty texts to send that’ll give off the perfect “I’m interested, but also, it’s Halloween” vibe.

Flirty & Fun

“Are you dressing up for Halloween, or are you already too drop-dead gorgeous? 😏”

Playful Vibes

“So… what are the chances I see you at the Halloween party? Asking for a friend… (okay, the friend is me).”

Spooky Sweet

“If you were a ghost, you’d be haunting my dreams. 👻”

Vampire Love

“Are you a vampire? Because every time I see you, my heart stops. 🧛‍♂️”

Final Thoughts: Keep Your Halloween Text Game Strong (And Your Friendships Even Stronger)

Halloween is the perfect excuse to get a little weird and have fun with your friends, but it’s also a great time to build your friendships. Don’t just ghost your squad—reach out, send some spooky snaps, and let them know you appreciate them. Whether you’re cracking jokes, sharing spooky stories, or making plans to hang out IRL, Halloween is a prime time to keep the good vibes rolling.

So get out there, scare your friends (just a little), and remember: true friendship is like a lovable vampire—it never dies, but it does need a little attention every once in a while. Work with me here. 🎃👻


How to Write Killer Halloween Party Invitations (For Kids & Adults), Spooky Card Wording, and Other Halloween Shenanigans


I like to climb mountains, read Nietzsche, and explore the West Coast. I have a BA from York University (2003) in Toronto, Canada, and yet on this site I sometimes spell like an American (know your audience). Thank you. Thank you very much.

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