How to Write Thank You Notes for Teaching Assistants: Examples and Tips

By Billie •  Updated: 04/10/23 •  4 min read

Teaching assistants are an essential part of the educational system; they work tirelessly to support teachers and help students learn and grow. It’s important to show appreciation for their hard work and dedication, and writing a thank you note is a simple yet powerful way to do so. Let’s explore some creative and heartfelt ways to thank your teaching assistant.

Why thank-you notes for teaching assistants matter

Before we dive into the specific examples of thank you notes, let’s explore why they are so important.

Thank-you notes for specific teaching actions

teaching assistant in tutorials

Thank you notes can be tailored to specific actions or situations, so choose the right template for your situation or use these examples as inspiration for your own notes:

For helping a struggling student

“Thank you so much for your help with [student’s name]. Your patience and dedication have made a real difference in their learning journey. They are now more confident and motivated, and I couldn’t have done it without your support.”

For going above and beyond with students

“I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for all the extra work you’ve done this semester. Your willingness to go above and beyond to support our students by leading tutorials and lab sessions is truly inspiring. Your dedication to their success is greatly appreciated.”

For being a positive influence in the classroom

“I wanted to take a moment to thank you for being such a positive influence on our students. Your energy, enthusiasm, and passion for teaching are contagious. You have made a lasting impact on the lives of so many, and we are grateful for your presence in our school.”

For being a team player in education

“I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your collaboration and teamwork this semester. Your willingness to share your expertise, support your colleagues, and work together towards common goals is a true asset to our department. Thank you for all that you do.”

Example Thank You Notes for Teaching Assistants

As a teacher, I understand the importance of having a great teaching assistant. They play a vital role in creating a conducive learning environment and ensuring that the educational goals are achieved.

To appreciate their hard work and dedication, it’s important to send them thank you notes and acknowledge their contributions.

Ten example thank you notes for teaching assistants in all sorts of situations:

  1. Thank you for your unwavering support throughout this academic year. Your assistance in grading assignments, organizing materials, and keeping our classroom organized has been invaluable.
  2. I want to express my gratitude for the countless hours you spent helping our students understand complex concepts. You have a true passion for teaching, and it has not gone unnoticed.
  3. Your help in preparing for exams and grading papers has been an enormous help. Thank you for going above and beyond to ensure our students’ success.
  4. I appreciate the positivity you bring to the classroom every day. Your enthusiasm for teaching and working with our students has had a tremendous impact on their learning experience.
  5. Thank you for your exceptional work in assisting our special needs students. Your patience, kindness, and dedication have made a difference in their lives.
  6. Your willingness to go the extra mile to assist our students and staff is commendable. Your contributions have been invaluable, and we could not have made it through the year without you.
  7. Your creativity in developing engaging activities for our students has been outstanding. Thank you for inspiring them to learn and grow.
  8. I am grateful for the sense of community you have helped foster in our classroom. Your ability to connect with our students and build positive relationships has created a welcoming and inclusive environment.
  9. Your attention to detail and willingness to take on extra responsibilities have not gone unnoticed. Thank you for your tireless efforts in ensuring that our classroom runs smoothly.
  10. Your dedication to our students’ success is truly inspiring. Thank you for all that you do, and for being an integral part of our educational community.

Students: how to impress your teacher on your first day of school.


I like to climb mountains, read Nietzsche, and explore the West Coast. I have a BA from York University (2003) in Toronto, Canada, and yet on this site I sometimes spell like an American (know your audience). Thank you. Thank you very much.

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