Pets are a very important part of our lives. For many people, a cat or dog is a miniature person with whom they share a meaningful bond[1]. We love our pets like we love our best friends and even our children — and, like our children, our pets cannot always take proper care of themselves.
So, when work or family obligations take us away from our homes and beloved furry friends, the heroic Pet Sitter steps in to save the day. These people are veritable lifesavers at times when you really want to bring your pal but can’t, and they deserve to be thanked for the important service they provide.
Use these pet sitting thank-you note templates as starting points for your own notes of thanks to your own pet sitter.
Petting Sitting Thank You Note Wording
Thanks for Watching My Pet Dog
Dear Thomas,
Thanks so much for taking such wonderful care of Rufus while we were away last week over Christmas. He loves spending time with you because he knows he’ll have the most fun vacation out in the mountains, playing in the meadows and exploring fresh snowfall on the trails all day, every day! What a spoiled pup. We appreciate all your attention and love and care you give to our special boy, and we doubly appreciate that you keep us updated with photos and videos of his daily activities. The peace of mind your provide is priceless.
Thanks again from the three of us,
The Wainwrights
Thank-You Note for Pet Cat Sitting

Dear Sarah,
Thanks for tolerating Miss Priss and her fussy attitude all weekend. For some reason she has made an exception for you and allows your cuddles — congratulations! We loved that you sent us photos and videos of her playful side! A rarity indeed. And thank you for making sure she took her daily medication and for changing her litter box right away; we can always tell when you’ve been here (as opposed to other sitters). The place looks and smells great, and Miss Priss is contentedly hanging out in her fav spot on the couch, brushed and happy (at least that’s how we like to interpret her facial expression).
We hope you’re willing and available next time we go away, we’d love to have you back! And I’m sure Miss Priss is OK with that, too.
Thanks again,
The Farfields
Pet Rabbit Thank-You Sitter Note
Dear Students,
Thank you for taking such great care of Snowball over the winter; we were pleased to see your photos of her ‘hoppy’ and well taken care of. It looks as though you enjoyed her cuddles as much as we do! Sorry that she did not multiply, as you were expecting all rabbits to do (hah).
Bugs Malone
Pet Gerbil Care Thank-You Note Example
Dear Horus,
Thanks for agreeing to feed and water my two Mongolian gerbils over the past month, and at such short notice. I could rest easy knowing someone as responsible as you were looking after my furry little boys. They especially loved the fresh parsley from your garden — thank-you! You really helped me out when I needed a friend. Let me know if I may return the favour and look after your pet mice someday!
Universal “Thanks for Watching My Pet” Template
Dear [Pet Sitter],
Animal lovers are easy to find, but responsible animal lovers are a rare breed indeed. We are fortunate to have found you, a great person committed to providing love and care for our [pets], and at such short notice! Thanks for taking great care of our [pets], and for [doing all the necessary things] and beyond. [Describe the beyond things.] We loved receiving updates on what [our pet] was up to throughout the day; the regular photos and videos from you added up to a lot of peace of mind. Thank you again for all you do,
[From Us]
House Sitting Thank-You Note Examples
Celebrating Father’s Day as a Dog Dad