Looking for some appropriate retirement quotes, wishes, phrases, sayings or the right words to write in a retirement card for a co-worker or friend?
Search no more: enjoy these curated retirement wishes from all over the internet:

Retirement Wishes for Coworkers
- It’s been great working with you. You’ll be missed!
- May all the years ahead bring you great joy and relaxation. You deserve it.
- Best wishes for your well-deserved and happy retirement!
- It was always great seeing you every morning at work. I’ll miss our chats at the water cooler, and your unfaltering career advice.
- Never forget the difference you’ve made. Thank-you, and happy retirement! Your positive influence is impossible to measure.
- Think about it, now you never have to ask for a day off again. Happy Retirement!
- Happy retirement wishes! Wishing you all the best in your new retired life. Don’t forget me. 🙂
- All the best for an amazing retirement! Enjoy your new chapter in life, Boss!
- As one chapter ends, another begins; welcome to your newfound freedom! Freedom you had all along!
- Your career’s biggest souvenirs are your colleagues’ good wishes. Happy retirement!
- When someone as wonderful as you finally gets to retire it makes my heart melt! Congrats, and all the best for your relaxing years ahead!
- Are you ready for that golf trip you were always telling me about?
- You will always be remembered for the difference you’ve made here. Thank you for your years of hard work and dedication to our team, and congrats on your retirement!
- Now that you’re retired you can do all the things you enjoy. Have a happy retirement!
- Enjoy the fruits of your hard labor. Here’s to wishing you a relaxing and wonderful retirement.
- I’m so happy to see you have reached your goal! It was just a matter of time. All the best!
- You’ve worked your entire life for this day, you deserve it, and all the best for a happy retirement!
- You are an amazing co-worker, I will never forget all the little tips and tricks you’ve passed my way. You are an inspiration to us all. Congrats on your well-deserved retirement days. I’m sure you’ll be more active than ever!
- Thank you for being an amazing example for myself and our team. Your dedication and hard work is truly inspiring! Thank-you for raising the bar for us all — I will never forget you for that! Enjoy your retirement!
- You have helped to create this company and solidify its place in the homes of many, and for that we thank you. Now go and enjoy your retirement!
- Thank you for always challenging us to become the best at what we do. Your influence is far-reaching and unending. Congrats on your retirement!
- Now that you’ve retired, you get to spend everyday with your wife/husband. I’m sure you can’t wait to get your green thumb dirty again! Enjoy it.
- All of the wonderful things you’ve done for us will not be forgotten. Congrats on the fruits of your hard labor!
- Retirement is all about embracing your future and leaving the past behind. Enjoy the years ahead!
- Are you seriously retiring already?! It seems like you just started yesterday. You will be deeply missed, my friend!
- All the best wishes on your early retirement. Enjoy the new opportunities to do the fun and wonderful things you love to do.
- Thank you for inspiring us all to do our absolute best; you are a very motivating and positive person to be around. We will miss you!
- Thank you for always motivating us to do our best. We wish you an amazing retirement with years of enjoyment to come!
- You have overcome many challenges so far, and the biggest challenge of your retired life is about to begin – finding something challenging to do. Good luck and have fun.
- You are a true friend! Our years of work together have showed me that you can love your work if you love the people you work with. Thank you for proving that to me! Happy Retirement!
- You will be deeply missed! You are truly a one in million person that can never be replaced! Enjoy your retirement!
- Make sure you enjoy retirement like you enjoyed working with all of us! Send us a postcard from your next trip.
- It’s sad to say goodbye, but great to know you are headed to greener pastures, and by choice! Congrats!
- It will be tough to find someone who works as hard and is as dedicated as you! Congrats from the whole team!
- You are one of the hardest-working people I have ever met! Your work ethic and commitment to doing the best work possible, inspires me. You earned every single part of your retirement! Great job.
- Retirement is the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one. You’re the hero of this choose-your-own-adventure! Congratulations!
- You have earned every moment of your retirement days! We are so happy for you!
- Have fun with your plans that are all your own! Send me photos from your yacht!
- You deserve retirement! You’ve worked hard for your family and deserve to take a break! I don’t think golfing everyday counts as a break, though.
- We can tell that you loved your job! May your retirement bring you the same fulfillment, and more.
- Wishing you fun, relaxation and enjoyment! All the best to you.
- You will be greatly missed! We hope you enjoy your retirement as much as we enjoyed having you around the office. All the best!
- Never again will you have to face dreaded Mondays! Enjoy, mate!
- Very few people dedicate themselves to their job the way you have. I’m sure you’ll bring the same energy and commitment to your next endeavors. All the best!
- Here’s to wishing you health, wealth and happiness in retirement. Congratulations to you!
- Now that you’ve retired, you can start doing all of the wonderful things I’ve heard you talking about over the years! Congrats.
- Now go make the rest of your life the BEST of your life! Love, the rest of us
Funny and Cute Retirement Wishes
I’m not just retiring from the company, I’m also retiring from my stress, my commute, my alarm clock, and my iron.
- A wife’s full-time job starts when her husband retires.
- Consider this an extended vacation that never ends… Only you don’t get paid days off.
- You leave your old boss in the past after retirement and start life with your new boss, your wife. Good luck my friend!
- Travel, relax, enjoy life and spend all the kids’ inheritance (they will never know, ha ha ha). Best wishes.
- Now that you have your boss off your back, you can do what you want, when you want! — As long as your wife approves, of course. (hah)
- I’m sure you thought this day would never come… Well, other than for that calendar you had on your wall, counting down the last months and days until your retirement, hah! Time to live it up!
- Retirement is life’s greatest tease. You have more free time than a 13-year-old but your energy levels are worse than a fifty year old.
- Say goodbye to slow Mondays and pointless staff meetings!
- We hate to see you go, but love to see you walk away… into retirement, that is! Ha. Congratulations, you deserve it!
- Now that you have retired, what are you going to do with all of that free time? I could fill up your Mondays with coffee and gossip? What do you say? Enjoy yourself out there!
- Retiring means less responsibility and “almost” no work. Please let me know if you need help finding things to do, my garage could use a once-over. Hah! Congrats!
- Remember all those things that you had wanted to do in your life, but didn’t because you never had the time? Well, don’t plan on doing them after your retirement, either – you will either be too old or too poor to afford them now. Wishing you a happy retirement. 😉 Love, your Cheeky Buddy.
Funny and Good-Natured yet Sarcastic Retirement Messages for Your Boss

Your boss is, believe it or not, just another person. Make his or her retirement day the icing on the cake of a fulfilling career, by acknowledging them with a cute or formal send-off note.
- Retirement — ah, the sweet reward for all the bitter battles fought in the boardroom. Congratulations.
- Most managers hate to retire; without a staff, it marks the pivotal point when they actually have to start doing all their work themselves. Enjoy!
- The first week of retirement will feel like Freedom. The second week will feel like a vacation. The third week of retirement will feel like the beginning of lifelong captivity at home. Happy retirement, Boss!
- Realize that your retirement is a just an illusion: your spouse will become your new boss and your grandchildren become your full-time millennial employees. Happy retirement.
- Dear Boss, as you start to pack up and retire today, we confess we liked annoying you in every possible way.
- Please remember that no matter how much everyone wishes you well for your retirement, deep down inside… they’re just happy that you’re leaving. 😉
- Well, I’m glad that you’re finally retiring; now I’ll be able to tell you anything I want, without worrying about getting sacked. Good luck.
- Let me present this in a way you’ll appreciate: in terms of profit and loss, your retirement is a loss for your colleagues, and a profit for your family. Farewell.
- Your retirement is nothing short of a glorious achievement: not every leader can retire with such grace, dignity, respect and a teary-eyed farewell from the whole office. Congratulations, Boss
It is time I stepped aside for a less experienced and less able man.
Scott Elledge
Happy Retirement Wishes for Teachers of All Kinds
Your teachings will forever be treasured, your contribution in our lives can never be measured. Happy retirement.
- Dear Professor, education is one thing, but you gave us much more: the ability to think, the tools to solve any problem we encounter, the sensitivity to discern what is truly valuable. Thank-you, forever.
- Your retirement is not only a deep loss to us, but a bigger loss to the nation. Teachers like you are the real assets of this country; you guide ordinary children to grow into outstanding citizens. Happy retirement.
- You are retiring rich! You are leaving with priceless gifts of our respect, memories, loyalty and love for you. Congratulations!
- Your retirement is a reward for the patience and tolerance you showed by putting up with annoying students all your teaching career. ;-D Congratulations.
- Good teachers are the reason ordinary students dream to do extraordinary things. Great teachers have students that go out and achieve those dreams. Thank-you!
- We’ll miss you as our teacher, but we’ll miss you more as our mentor, friend and nurturer. Wishing you a very happy next chapter!
- You know, a teacher like you can never really retire. Even if you stop coming to school, you will continue to do things that inspire kids like us every day. Happy retirement.
- Everyone retires with a pension fund, but very few teachers retire with the respect and love of all their students. Happy retirement, and congratulations in all ways!
Some Cute Rhyming Poems:
We saw this coming,
but were in denial.
Your absence is a blow,
to our survival.
You might think we’re
pushing it a bit too far.
But you were truly
the school’s shining star.
You made dull classes come alive.
Without you… how will we thrive?
- As we celebrate your retirement, there is one thing we won’t be able to do today… despite the fanfare, we won’t be able to wipe the tears away.
Happy Retirement Messages for Nurses

No career group values the prospect of retirement more than Nurses do! While others might fear the idea of having no responsibilities (or fewer), Nurses fully embrace the lifestyle of leisure after years of tolerating harassment, overwork, and ungrateful people. Granted, there are many, many moments in a day’s work to love and cherish, but for many nurses, retirement can’t come quickly enough.
I’ve seen it, smelled it, touched it, heard it, stepped in it.
retired nurse
- Congrats on your retirement! Although a retired Nurse never stops nurturing and caring, now’s the time to direct those caring actions toward yourself. Bask in the self-love glow!
- We are so fortunate to have had you here for all these years. You don’t even know how deeply you will be missed. The difference you make just by being you, we cannot overstate. Thank you for your service and your dedication, in all ways.
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